Multiple Dog Household Presentation

Multiple Dog Household Presentation

This presentation is suitable for anyone wanting to learn more about managing a multiple dog household and is ideal for dog trainers, shelter workers, rescue groups and foster carers.
The seminars cover the following topics:
  • Understanding multiple dog household dynamics
  • Introducing a new dog
  • Safe vs risky interactions and play
  • Preparing for another dog
  • Possible triggers to the fights – why do they fight and what keeps them fighting
  • How to know when you have an issue brewing and when to seek help
Next seminar date: Friday 20th September 2019
Time: 7pm
Venue: ProDog Day Care and Training, West Footscray
Tickets: Tickets must be purchased via ProDog Training Events.
Contact us if you would like further information on hosting a Multiple Dog Household seminar for your organisation or group.